Saturday, June 14, 2008

Praying Evangelistically

I have been out of blogging for sometime due to a number of things including a sickness which has kept me down now nine days. I am hoping I am on my way out of the sickness now, and I have quite a back log of items to post- items which backed up during our ‘different’ Spring semester.

For now, I will simply point to an item of mine which Baptist Press ran this week. My aim was to share one way I try to think when I hear of terrible disasters in other countries like what has occurred in Myanmar and China and to call us to evangelistic prayer (1 Tim 2:1-6).


Adam said...

Sorry to miss you at teh SBC this year, Dr. Van Neste. I hope you get to feeling better. Thanks for the word about praying evangelistically. Our church mission group to Belize has had to do a lot of that this week.

Milton Stanley said...

Hope you fully recover soon, Ray. Peace.

Ray Van Neste said...

Thanks, MIlton and Adam. I am continuing to get better.