“You can learn more about a nation from reading yesterday’s novel than today’s newspaper.” –James H. Billington, Librarian of Congress (11)
God did not intend that we study our Bibles in a mental vacuum. John Nelson Darby and G. Campbell Morgan both decided that for an extended time they would read only the Bible. They soon discovered that this plan was a mistake. The danger of reading only the Bible is that we do not then really read the Bible. The Bible comes out of an ancient cultural setting. We need the bridges to our own culture that reading more broadly can supply. . . . Our thesis in this study is that all Christians –
especially Christian leaders and communicators – need to read broadly, deeply, and copiously. (11-12)
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Reading Broadly
Thursday, January 25, 2007
1) Grab the book closest to you.
2) Open to page 123; go down to the fourth sentence.
3) Post the text of the following three sentences.
4) Name the author and book title.
5) Tag three people to do the same.
I’ll pass on step 5. Sitting at my desk piled with various books both behind and in front of me (and some in the floor around me!), it’s a toss up on which is closest. So, to connect with the purpose of this blog, I reached for the closest one expressly on pastoral ministry, Charles Bridges’ classic, The Christian Ministry
“Thus a minister under this deteriorating influence [the fear of man] chiefly deals in general truths devoid of particular application- more in what is pleasing than what is direct and useful. Many other subjects may be equally necessary, or indeed more important; but these are more conciliating. There is thus a continual conflict between conscience and the world- ‘I ought to speak for conscience sake; but I dare not speak for fear of the world.’ The offensive truth must be smoothed, disguised,
intermixed, until it is attenuated into an insipid, pointless, and inoperative statement.”
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Pastoral Plagiarism Update
Since that time Dr. Mohler of Southern Seminary devoted his radio show one day to this topic. He and guest, Dr. Hershael York, did a great job covering the topic.
Various newspapers around the country continue to pick up the story- apparently from the WSJ story- and comment on it. Typically the reporters see the problem clearly in spite of the spin given by proponents of the practice. However, The Christian Index, paper of the Georgia Baptist Convention, ran a story which in essence defends the practice of sermon ‘borrowing.’ The story was entitled, “Plagiarism: Whose Message is it?” It seems to have generated some response. This response is particularly well worth reading. Here are some excerpts from this layman’s response:
Well said!The College Dictionary defines plagiarism as “to use and pass off as one’s own writing or ideas from another.” Of course we know this meaning, but reading the article in your publication it seems as though this must not apply to pastors. Over a dozen pastors hopped, skipped, and jumped around the facts like a grasshopper on a hot grill. The answer is simple; anyone using another’s writings or ideas is a cheat! It seems simple enough to me
If pastors spent more time in the Greek and Hebrew to exegete the scriptures they wouldn’t need to plagiarize others works.
Just about every pastor I have been under has spoken of Zacchaeus up a sycamore tree at least two or three times a year. Hey, we know that story. How about some meat of the doctrine? We have had an over abundance of milk.One of the ridiculous statements in your article read something like this: “pastors who document the origin of their sources into fine detail usually deliver cold and impersonal messages.” This is a smokescreen to cover-up the fact that they wish credit for something they did not originate
In closing, just get into the Word and forget about making impressions on the congregation. We have minds of our own and can think without fancy utterances
Sunday, January 21, 2007
If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee
If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee
If thou but suffer God to guide thee,
And hope in him through all thy ways,
He'll give thee strength, whate'er betide thee,
And bear thee through the evil days;
Who trusts in God's unchanging love
Builds on the rock that nought can move.
What can these anxious cares avail thee,
These never-ceasing moans and sighs?
What can it help if thou bewail thee
O'er each dark moment as it flies?
Our cross and trials do but press
The heavier for our bitterness.
Only be still and wait his leisure
In cheerful hope, with heart content
To take whate'er thy Father's pleasure
And all-discerning love have sent;
Nor doubt our inmost wants are known
To him who chose us for his own.
Sing, pray and keep his ways unswerving;
So do thine own part faithfully,
And trust his Word - though undeserving,
Thou yet shalt find it true for thee;
God never yet forsook at need
The soul that trusted him indeed.
Georg Neumark, 1621-1681
(you can hear the tune here)
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Persecuted Pastor
"Thanks for your emails of encouragement and love. … I don't even feel myself sometime that I am still at the jail and looking at the wall hoping to go out. I feel joy at being able to have fellowship and worship together with my friends in the jail.”
“I preached over five times in the prison and have conducted communion services with the prisoners. I think this is one of the reasons they did not want me in the jail at night anymore. All of this has happened because of your prayers.”
“Life in jail is not easy. The jail workers treat the prisoners like animals. Everyone is very crowded in the cells, but I praise the Lord that I was still able to preach the gospel. As far as I know this is the first time this has happened in a ------- jail. Many of the prisoners have come to know Christ, but they have to keep it a secret or the officials will put them in chains and move them to another building with no windows. Someone dies in jail everyday, through rough treatment or lack of medical care.”
“Thank you for your concern for funds for the orphanage and bible school here. It is true that while I have been in prison the funds have been very low and we are in great need at this time.”
“------ is a holiday in --------, and traditionally they have released prisoners on this day. Please pray that I may be released for good and be able to return to -------- and the work of the ministry there.”
For more you can visit EPI’s blog. (scroll down just a bit for this story)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Miller Challenges “Bigger is Better” Mentality
…it seems to me in the era of megachurch we have opted to tell smaller truths to ever-bigger crowds. (p 26)
Sam knew his church wasn’t growing either, but at least he was doing his part in trying to please God by feeling neurotic about it. (p. 29) :)
Greatness of size may, in the end, prove the smallest of virtues. (p. 30)
“Well, there you go. We’re equal. You see, Ambrose, if every church was like yours, the Christian faith wouldn’t be here in fifty years.’
“And if every church was like yours, it wouldn’t be historically Christian in fifty years. No one would be left to who can even define the word Christian. The faith would die of secular syncretism.” (pg. 35)
“You wanted to know many I had in church, last Sunday, Biff. I’ll tell you how many. All I can take care of.” (pg. 39)
Most often when people do leave the church they are leaving because they feel the church failed to minister to them in a time of need. Yet pastors are often more stimulated to make their church grow than to take care of its members in their needy times. No one ever gets his or her picture in an evangelical magazine simply because they visited the sick. (pg. 42)
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Calvin Miller on Pastoral Care
…the church that only gets big but will not care for the sick and the broken, is no church of Christ…No legitimate pastor can delegate this concern. He may delegate the care of a specific person in need, but the moment he tries to delegate the concern, the church he pastors will be gone. (p. 16)
Monday, January 08, 2007
Leadership Equals Teaching
"We have been hoodwinked. We have come to accept a standard for leadership that
actually robs the church of great leaders. The standing-status-success standard is not a biblical standard: it is the world's standard. Pastors are not to be CEOs, and our best models are not corporate executives, coaches, generals, and presidents. Far from it ... the biblical leader is, first and foremost, a skilled and godly shepherd-teacher ... Here then is an alternative standard of leadership effectiveness from the standing-status-success model offered by the world. It is a standard that describes leadership in terms of personal relationship, sacrificial care, and secure and abundant provision." (52, 54)
I don’t know anything else about the book, but I resonate deeply with this quote.
Friday, January 05, 2007
“Reinvigorating Baptist Practice of the Ordinances”
This issue is varied in perspectives and strengths, I think. Here is a list of the contents other than my article:
Hershael York- Defending the new IMB policies/guidelines
Gerald Cowen- “Congregationalism and It’s Limits”
An argument for congregationalism and against elder rule. Account is not taken of a role for elders within a congregational setting
John Hammett- “Patterns of Leadership in Emerging Churches”
Earl Waggoner- “A Movement Toward a House Church Ecclesiology”
Jimmy Millikin- “The Nature of the Church- Local or Universal”
An argument against an idea of the universal church
Timothy Seal- “Church Discipline: Recovering the Lost Treasure”
J. D. Payne- “Ecclesiology: The Most Critical Issue in Church Planting Today”
Steve Gaines- “Worthy of Worship”
And an excerpt from E. C. Dargan, “Ecclesiology: A Study of the Churches” (1905)
As far as I can tell there is no information on Mid America’s website about the journal. If you wanted a copy you could contact the editor, Dr. Daryl Cornett.